

        A Better You is Waiting!

FREE for Y Members

Getting and staying fit isn’t easy. The biggest barrier isn’t necessarily the exercise, it’s getting there and knowing what exercises to do to reach your goals. How many sets? How heavy? How much cardio? YThrive gives you the tools so you can spend your time working on you instead of worrying about planning your exercises.


YTHRIVE users now have access to a new YThrive Commit Library, designed to offer you even more flexibility and choice in your exercise. This library features a variety of self-directed workout plans and instructional videos. The workouts in the library continue to be designed by our team of fitness experts to ensure a safe and effective workout experience.
As part of the launch of the YTHRIVE Commit Library, we will be bidding farewell to the Begin, Balance, Boost and Flex streams of YTHRIVE. The new Commit Library will offer an enhanced experience and provide you with more flexibility and resources to support your fitness goals. The workout plans will suit a variety of needs and have something for everyone.
Book an appointment with a YTHRIVE coach who will provide you with an orientation on navigating the YTHRIVE Commit Library. YThrive appointments can be booked online or in person at Member Services.
Thank you for trusting us in your health and wellness journey. We remain committed to ensuring you receive the tools you need to see continued success.