Strong Kids Run

The YMCA Strong Kids Run

Sunday, May 25th, 2025

Our Race

The YMCA Strong Kids Run is a unique race held in downtown Brandon, Manitoba. Our event takes place annually on the last Sunday of May.

Our event features four different timed events:  5K, 10K, 15K and 20K, as well as a 1K Family Fun Run, 5K walk, and 10K walk. The race starts outside our YMCA located on 231 8th Street. Our race takes you through some of downtown Brandon, finishing the race back at the YMCA.

Our course is a looped course consisting of 5K to the east and 5k to the west.

Strong Kids Run 2025 Brochure

Course Route

Support our YMCA

Help the YMCA raise funds for our Strong Kids campaign. Our event will impact the lives of local children and families in need! One in five children in our YMCA are only able to participate because of the financial assistance provided through our YMCA Strong Kids campaign, which is funded by our many generous donors.

Race Kit Pick Up

Race Kit Pick up will take place at our YMCA in our play structure area on race weekend at the following times:
  • Friday 5:00-8:00 pm
  • Saturday 8:00-6:00 pm


Parking is limited at our YMCA. Please use on-street parking where possible, ensuring that you are not parking on our course route.

You may also use the following parking lots:

  • Rolling Spokes
  • AR McDiarmid Civic Complex


Our event, like our YMCA, relies heavily on volunteers in order to make it a success. Our volunteers bring passion and commitment and will be all over the course helping to ensure you have a great experience at our Strong Kids Run.

If you are interested in volunteering at our event please contact our Volunteer Co-Ordinator Sue Palmer at


All participants are asked to gather pledges for the YMCA Strong Kids campaign. Pledges are taken through our online pledge system – no more door-to-door canvassing. You can invite your friends and family to support through an easy online system that allows you to share on social media and send emails about the event. Supporters can pay with a credit card or PayPal through our secure donation system. There will be a prize awarded to the participant with the most pledge $$.
To create your page, use the link below and scroll to Create a Fundraiser.
Pledge Page (coming soon)

Race Sponsors

We rely on sponsors to make this fundraising event a success. For more information about sponsorship or donations, please contact Steven Dyce at

Finishers Enclosure Sponsors


Race Results can be found at
Click on Results then search Events by Month