YMCAPersonal Training

Don McKibbin

Formerly a civil engineer by profession (now retired), Don’s passion and lifestyle has always involved fitness and sports, from track/cross-country and numerous team sports in high school and university on to senior men’s rugby, basketball, volleyball, Slo-pitch, 10 km races, etc. Don has been in the fitness industry for over 30 years now and believes in a total lifestyle approach to health and fitness including the often-neglected aspects of proper sleep, hydration, and flexibility! As a Certified Personal Trainer and with a variety of group fitness certifications, he can provide clients with one-on-one or group programs at any level from beginner to expert, tailored specifically to personal client needs and goals. Don has extensive class and training program experience including strength and resistance/boot camp/Interval/Kick-boxing/Sport conditioning/spinning (cycle)/ flexibility and balance/yoga, and also Heart Rehabilitation classes through the Prairie-Mountain RHA. For Don the most rewarding part of working with people from all walks of life is helping them make meaningful and sustainable health and lifestyle changes while keeping it challenging, sociable, and fun at the same time.


Personal Training Fees & Options


Package Description Cost
Getting Started Package  

Initial consultation, fitness assessment, 3 x one-on-one sessions and specifically designed workout program.


$200 + GST
*New personal training clients ONLY
Program Design Have a program designed based on your personal needs & schedule.


$80.00 + GST
Personal Training Have a qualified trainer assist you in maximizing your workout time for the best results.
  • 1 Session – $50.00 + GST
  • 5 Sessions (pre-paid) – $225.00 + GST
  • 10 Sessions (pre-paid) – $435.00 + GST

For inquiries please contact Steven at steven.dyce@ymanitoba.ca

Personal Training Request Form